Saturday, July 31, 2010
Miss the weekly posts?
Now Dallin's brother is a missionary, so you can read two more years of mission experiences of Elder Rowley. Just go to this link:
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Dallin Speaks in Church
Dallin is now home and will be speaking in church this Sunday, 27 June, in the center street building in Redlands at 11:30 AM.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010 -- The Last Letter
It's hard to keep from crying as I begin to write this letter. Yesterday I turned two years old as a missionary, truly the best two years of my life.
To all those who are currently serving as a missionary or who soon will be serving . . . I would say this: always remember that your time is incredibly short. Your time is one of the most precious resources that your Heavenly Father has given you. Don't waste a single second. Do what you should do every hour of the day. When its time to study, study hard. When its time to work, work hard.
Pay attention to the Spirit, as his guidance should be one of your greatest desires, and without him you can't do anything in the Lord's work. Remember who you are and who you represent, when you take off your name tag at night, and when you put it on in the morning. And always act accordingly, for you represent him 24 hours a day, even when you don't have the name tag on. Learn of Him, love Him, follow Him, and teach about Him with respect.
Obey the rules. Look for ways to be more obedient instead of ways to get around the rules. Follow your leaders, especially your mission president. Remember that part of the reason that you are called to where you are called is because of the things that you will learn from the people there, especially your mission president.
Remember also that you are called to where you are called to find people who are waiting for your testimony and teaching style. But always remember that it isn't you, its the Spirit.
I have learned and changed so much. And yet, I'm still the same. Maybe a half an inch taller, maybe a pound or two heavier, but still the same. Yet I will never be the same. The experiences I have had, good and bad, have molded me into more of the person the Lord wants me to be. I still have a long ways to go, but I am a bit further along the path than I was two years ago, and I know which path to follow and how to follow it. My knowledge, experience, and testimony have grown as a missionary. They will be the pillars of my life.
I love Mexico. I love the food, the mangos, the salsa, the tortillas. I love the cactus, the burning sun, the pouring rain. I love the crazy streets without lanes and without signs. I love the people even when they don't accept the message I share. I love Spanish. I love my companions, the members of the wards in which I have served. I love the people I have taught, especially those who have become converted to the gospel.
Thursday I had the opportunity to go to Reynosa to bring some Zone Leaders there after the ZLC last Wednesday. President gave me permission to visit some of my converts. It was a very special experience. Perla and her mom are doing well. Perla has a calling, is attending institute, has gone to do baptisms in the temple, and reads her Book of Mormon every day. Lalo is working on his papers to serve a mission, hoping to leave as soon as he completes a year in July. Tere has had a hard time, but is atteding church, and her son is beginning to open up to the gospel as well.
Tomorrow I will be attending church in Victoria, where Ranulfo has asked me to ordain him an Elder. I will also be able to see Adriana and the Anguiano family there. Tomorrow afternoon President Mendoza and I are going to visit the Ranchito and visit all the members there, especially the recently sealed Montoya Leal family. Like Alma, I feel that the Lord doth give me "exceedingly great joy in the fruit of my labors."
Thank you so much for having written me so faithfully. You may not know how much letters mean to a missionary. They have helped and inspired me more than I can say. . . .
I have high hopes and big plans for whats to come in the immediate and long term future. I have goals, plans, and standards. I am going to miss my mission, a lot, but I feel ready for what's to come.
To all those who are currently serving as a missionary or who soon will be serving . . . I would say this: always remember that your time is incredibly short. Your time is one of the most precious resources that your Heavenly Father has given you. Don't waste a single second. Do what you should do every hour of the day. When its time to study, study hard. When its time to work, work hard.
Pay attention to the Spirit, as his guidance should be one of your greatest desires, and without him you can't do anything in the Lord's work. Remember who you are and who you represent, when you take off your name tag at night, and when you put it on in the morning. And always act accordingly, for you represent him 24 hours a day, even when you don't have the name tag on. Learn of Him, love Him, follow Him, and teach about Him with respect.
Obey the rules. Look for ways to be more obedient instead of ways to get around the rules. Follow your leaders, especially your mission president. Remember that part of the reason that you are called to where you are called is because of the things that you will learn from the people there, especially your mission president.
Remember also that you are called to where you are called to find people who are waiting for your testimony and teaching style. But always remember that it isn't you, its the Spirit.
I have learned and changed so much. And yet, I'm still the same. Maybe a half an inch taller, maybe a pound or two heavier, but still the same. Yet I will never be the same. The experiences I have had, good and bad, have molded me into more of the person the Lord wants me to be. I still have a long ways to go, but I am a bit further along the path than I was two years ago, and I know which path to follow and how to follow it. My knowledge, experience, and testimony have grown as a missionary. They will be the pillars of my life.
I love Mexico. I love the food, the mangos, the salsa, the tortillas. I love the cactus, the burning sun, the pouring rain. I love the crazy streets without lanes and without signs. I love the people even when they don't accept the message I share. I love Spanish. I love my companions, the members of the wards in which I have served. I love the people I have taught, especially those who have become converted to the gospel.
Thursday I had the opportunity to go to Reynosa to bring some Zone Leaders there after the ZLC last Wednesday. President gave me permission to visit some of my converts. It was a very special experience. Perla and her mom are doing well. Perla has a calling, is attending institute, has gone to do baptisms in the temple, and reads her Book of Mormon every day. Lalo is working on his papers to serve a mission, hoping to leave as soon as he completes a year in July. Tere has had a hard time, but is atteding church, and her son is beginning to open up to the gospel as well.
Tomorrow I will be attending church in Victoria, where Ranulfo has asked me to ordain him an Elder. I will also be able to see Adriana and the Anguiano family there. Tomorrow afternoon President Mendoza and I are going to visit the Ranchito and visit all the members there, especially the recently sealed Montoya Leal family. Like Alma, I feel that the Lord doth give me "exceedingly great joy in the fruit of my labors."
Thank you so much for having written me so faithfully. You may not know how much letters mean to a missionary. They have helped and inspired me more than I can say. . . .
I have high hopes and big plans for whats to come in the immediate and long term future. I have goals, plans, and standards. I am going to miss my mission, a lot, but I feel ready for what's to come.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010 -- Praying, Asking Good Questions, and Teaching Famous People
It’s been another great week full of lots of work and great experiences.
I am still amazed by all that I learned in the revelatory experience with Elder Bednar. My companion and I have put in practice what we learned and have seen the blessings in our work and our personal lives.
One of the things that he taught us, as I told you last week, is about praying with faith. I’ve tried to put those principles into practice as much as I can. (For example, we always say a prayer before using the mission van. Instead of praying that the Lord protect us, I have started to pray that the Lord helps us to remember the principles of safe driving.)
I had a very special personal experience with praying with faith this week. We were eating with a family in our daily meal and they asked me to say the prayer. When I pray in members' houses, I usually ask the Lord to bless them with His Spirit. As I was about to do so this time, however, I stopped. A thought came to my mind: “And what are you doing so that His Spirit can be here?” I finished the prayer, but that thought stayed in my mind.
As I ate I was having an inner battle. I know that it is always good to share a thought with the family after eating, but sometimes it’s hard. Unlike in the United States, we hardly ever eat with the whole family. Usually the sisters serve us and we eat alone. This particular family is always very busy, and my companion and I had things to do and people to see. But I kept feeling that if I was praying in faith, I needed to do something to invite the Spirit.
Thankfully, my companion saved me. “I want to share a scripture,” he told me. And I was amazed. After we finished eating, we shared a scripture, the sister looked happier and we left. When I asked him why he had decided to do so he said, “Because I felt like I needed to.” The Spirit had given us both the same prompting; only he was quicker to act on it than I was.
We have also worked hard to put in practice the teaching techniques we learned from Elder Bednar, treating our investigators as agents, not objects. We have had some great lessons by asking questions that invite investigators to think and act for themselves instead of guessing what’s in our head.
Unfortunately, this week we have also had some difficult teaching situations. Twice in the same street we came across people who politely invited us in only to take out their Bible and start to bash. Thankfully we didn’t fall for it. (That’s another thing that I’ve learned that I hope I never forget: how to talk to people who are strongly opposed to the Church or our beliefs.)
Our bishop last Sunday also taught us a lesson on teaching by the Spirit and learning by faith. He told us to come to his office during priesthood meeting, that he was going to have a class with all the recent convert and investigator men. He said that it would be a question and answer session, and that we, the missionaries, would give the answers.
At first, I wasn’t to excited about the idea, not sure how it would work out. But I was amazed at what happened. The bishop, as if he had also heard Elder Bednar’s talk, did everything to make a comfortable learning environment, and invited those present to act for themselves. He asked us the first question as an example, then let the next person in the circle ask.
The next person was a man named Adán Alvarez. He has been attending our ward for a little over a month with his wife. As his wife is a returned missionary, we just assumed that he was a member of the Church.
His question caught us by surprise: “I talk to my wife and come to church with her, and I feel good, but all of my siblings are Jehovah's Witnessess, and they also seem to be right. How can I know what church is true?” It was a sincere question from the bottom of his heart, and my companion gave a powerful answer about prayer and the Holy Ghost. We have now began to teach Adán, and he is a great investigator.
These past two weeks in the stake center that is attached to the mission offices there have been about 60 people who have come to be trained for the census that starts next week. They have been here about eight hours a day from Monday to Friday. Seeing that none of them are members of the Church, we decided to take advantage of the fact that we had 60 investigators in the church building.
Last Wednesday during their lunch break, we invited them all to watch “finding faith in Christ,” which we put on a screen with our projector. We had a table full of books and pamphlets when they left, and offered to send the missionaries to visit each of them. Several accepted copies of the Book of Mormon (and we saw them reading them later), and a few gave us their address so that the missionaries can visit them. It was a great experience.
Yesterday we were knocking doors on a street when we came to a building that looked more like an office than a house. We hesitated for a moment, but then decided to knock and see what happened. A short chubby man with a mustache and a cigarro opened the door, and I began to introduce us. He invited us in.
There was so much smoke from his cigarro that it gave me a headache, so I decided to start with the Word of Wisdom. As soon as I started, he put out his cigarro and listened to us with interest.
It was a nice little office. In the garage we could see a glipse of what looked like an expensive red sportscar. On the wall their was a picture of a man playing the drums, and a clipping from a newspaper about a musician named “Choche.”
When we finished the lesson, we asked when we could come back. “Not until next week,” he answered. I am going to California for my work this weekend. “What do you do?” my companion asked. “I’m a musician,” he answered. “Are you Choche?” asked my companion. “Yes, I am,” he answered.
Apparently our new investigator José Luis is a famous musician known as Choche. He is part of what I understand to be one of the most famous and popular older groups in Mexico: Los Broncos or Gigante de America. We have high hopes that he will accept the Restored Gospel.
[The picture below was added by the editors].
I am still amazed by all that I learned in the revelatory experience with Elder Bednar. My companion and I have put in practice what we learned and have seen the blessings in our work and our personal lives.
One of the things that he taught us, as I told you last week, is about praying with faith. I’ve tried to put those principles into practice as much as I can. (For example, we always say a prayer before using the mission van. Instead of praying that the Lord protect us, I have started to pray that the Lord helps us to remember the principles of safe driving.)
I had a very special personal experience with praying with faith this week. We were eating with a family in our daily meal and they asked me to say the prayer. When I pray in members' houses, I usually ask the Lord to bless them with His Spirit. As I was about to do so this time, however, I stopped. A thought came to my mind: “And what are you doing so that His Spirit can be here?” I finished the prayer, but that thought stayed in my mind.
As I ate I was having an inner battle. I know that it is always good to share a thought with the family after eating, but sometimes it’s hard. Unlike in the United States, we hardly ever eat with the whole family. Usually the sisters serve us and we eat alone. This particular family is always very busy, and my companion and I had things to do and people to see. But I kept feeling that if I was praying in faith, I needed to do something to invite the Spirit.
Thankfully, my companion saved me. “I want to share a scripture,” he told me. And I was amazed. After we finished eating, we shared a scripture, the sister looked happier and we left. When I asked him why he had decided to do so he said, “Because I felt like I needed to.” The Spirit had given us both the same prompting; only he was quicker to act on it than I was.
We have also worked hard to put in practice the teaching techniques we learned from Elder Bednar, treating our investigators as agents, not objects. We have had some great lessons by asking questions that invite investigators to think and act for themselves instead of guessing what’s in our head.
Unfortunately, this week we have also had some difficult teaching situations. Twice in the same street we came across people who politely invited us in only to take out their Bible and start to bash. Thankfully we didn’t fall for it. (That’s another thing that I’ve learned that I hope I never forget: how to talk to people who are strongly opposed to the Church or our beliefs.)
Our bishop last Sunday also taught us a lesson on teaching by the Spirit and learning by faith. He told us to come to his office during priesthood meeting, that he was going to have a class with all the recent convert and investigator men. He said that it would be a question and answer session, and that we, the missionaries, would give the answers.
At first, I wasn’t to excited about the idea, not sure how it would work out. But I was amazed at what happened. The bishop, as if he had also heard Elder Bednar’s talk, did everything to make a comfortable learning environment, and invited those present to act for themselves. He asked us the first question as an example, then let the next person in the circle ask.
The next person was a man named Adán Alvarez. He has been attending our ward for a little over a month with his wife. As his wife is a returned missionary, we just assumed that he was a member of the Church.
His question caught us by surprise: “I talk to my wife and come to church with her, and I feel good, but all of my siblings are Jehovah's Witnessess, and they also seem to be right. How can I know what church is true?” It was a sincere question from the bottom of his heart, and my companion gave a powerful answer about prayer and the Holy Ghost. We have now began to teach Adán, and he is a great investigator.
These past two weeks in the stake center that is attached to the mission offices there have been about 60 people who have come to be trained for the census that starts next week. They have been here about eight hours a day from Monday to Friday. Seeing that none of them are members of the Church, we decided to take advantage of the fact that we had 60 investigators in the church building.
Last Wednesday during their lunch break, we invited them all to watch “finding faith in Christ,” which we put on a screen with our projector. We had a table full of books and pamphlets when they left, and offered to send the missionaries to visit each of them. Several accepted copies of the Book of Mormon (and we saw them reading them later), and a few gave us their address so that the missionaries can visit them. It was a great experience.
Yesterday we were knocking doors on a street when we came to a building that looked more like an office than a house. We hesitated for a moment, but then decided to knock and see what happened. A short chubby man with a mustache and a cigarro opened the door, and I began to introduce us. He invited us in.
There was so much smoke from his cigarro that it gave me a headache, so I decided to start with the Word of Wisdom. As soon as I started, he put out his cigarro and listened to us with interest.
It was a nice little office. In the garage we could see a glipse of what looked like an expensive red sportscar. On the wall their was a picture of a man playing the drums, and a clipping from a newspaper about a musician named “Choche.”
When we finished the lesson, we asked when we could come back. “Not until next week,” he answered. I am going to California for my work this weekend. “What do you do?” my companion asked. “I’m a musician,” he answered. “Are you Choche?” asked my companion. “Yes, I am,” he answered.
Apparently our new investigator José Luis is a famous musician known as Choche. He is part of what I understand to be one of the most famous and popular older groups in Mexico: Los Broncos or Gigante de America. We have high hopes that he will accept the Restored Gospel.
[The picture below was added by the editors].

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010 -- Elder Bednar
First of all, I have to say that I am extremely excited about [my brother] Truman's mission call [which arrived yesterday]. When I recieved his email, I called all the office elders to read it with me. I am sure that the Chile Viña del Mar mission will be blessed by Truman, just as he will be blessed greatly by his service there. And I am so excited that he is going to speak Spanish!
Tuesday was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. My time is short, and words can only say so much, but I'll tell you as much about it as I can.
Monday was a somewhat stressful day. President Mendoza was in Mexico City in a meeting with Elder Bednar and all the mission presidents from Mexico, which meant that his cell phone was turned off. So we were here alone getting everything ready for Tuesday.
For the most part everything went well. There was a moment when they threatened to deport one of our American missionaries who was traveling without his visa, but the Lord softened their hearts and let him go.
But much greater than the stress was the great excitement that could be felt throughout the mission. Everyone was eager to see and be taught live by an Apostle of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday morning was a rainy day. So President Mendoza asked my companion and I to stand in front of the chapel with umbrellas to recieve Elder Bednar. The meeting was to begin at 9:00 AM, but he arrived at 8:35. It was no longer raining, but President told us to stay there anyway.
When Elder Bednar got out of the car, he looked at us and smiled. Then he and those who were with him greeted us with a hand shake. (He was accompanied by his wife, Elder Daniel Johnson of the Seventy and Area Presidency, his wife, and Alan Walker, who translated. Alan Walker, although nobody introduced him as such, will be the new mission president here when President Mendoza leaves.)
When Sister Bednar greated me, she aske me where I was from. "California," I answered.
"What part,"
"Redlands! I was there not too long ago."
"I know, my Mom told me."
"Well, tell your Mom 'hi,' for me."
So Mom, Sister Bednar sends her greetings.
It was an incredible experience. I learned so much and felt the Spirit so strongly. I didn't take very many notes, for two reasons. First, he asked us not to, and second, I was moving the microphone to all the missionaries who asked or answered questions. Nevertheless, I remember perfectly the many lessons I learned.
Here are some of the things I learned that I think will best be of use to you.
Elder Bednar mentioned a few "silly, foolish" traditions of the church that he said we should get rid of.
One of the first he mentioned was that we always talk and joke about how we are going to meetings, in meetings, or coming from meetings. He said that many church leaders make themselves feel busy and important by having many meetings, but don't get anything done. He said that instead of having so many meetings, we should do things. Instead of talking about those who aren't coming to church, we should go get them. He said that he never wanted any of us to ever think of a church gathering as a meeting or a conference again. Rather, he said, we should think of it as a "revelatory experience."
And what we had the day before yesterday was truely a revelatory experience. The first two hours he asked what we had learned from his two talks that he had asked us to study ("Ask in Faith," from general conference, and "Seek Knowledge by Faith," which he gave to CES educators.) He put a lot of emphasis on the importance of us as learners to exercise our agency and learn for ourselves, and it was incredible how he created an enviornement of learning and revelation. The next two hours he answered questions from the missionaires.
I love that idea. If we stop thinking about meetings and start thinking about revelatory experiences, our manner of preparing for and participating in church gatherings will change.
Another silly, foolish tradition he mentioned was that of taking copious, detailed notes only to forget about what was said and lose the notes later. He said that often we are so busy writing what the speaker said that we miss what the Spirit is telling us. He told us not to write down anything that he said, only what the Spirit told us. He promised us that we would never forget those things, nor lose those notes.
He also said that too often in Church meetings and classes the teacher wants to play the "guess-what's-in-my-head-game," where he choses a student (with out their volunteering) and asks them a specific question such as, "What are the three elements of the baptismal covenant." Rather, he said, we should treat students as agents, and not objects to be acted upon, not forcing them to answer, and asking questions that don't make them guess what we are thinking, but rather think and act for themselves. A good question, he said, is "What did you learn from that?"
When he opened up for questions, the first one to raise his hand was Elder Dudley. And he asked the question that I had been planning to ask, a question I got from Dad: "What do you know now as an Apostle, that you didn't know before, about revelation?" His answer was incredible, and about 30 minutes long. The most important part of what he said was about preisthood keys. There are 15 men on the earth who hold all the keys. (That is why we sustain the Quorum of the Twelve as prophets, seers, and revelators, because they have all the keys.) Even though there is only one who is authorized to use them all.
He talked a lot about revelation. He read with us D&C 8:1-4. It is a scripture that I thought I knew well, as it is a scripture mastery, but he explained it like I had never understood before, showing us how the Spirit of Revelation includes asking with faith and an honest heart beforehand, and working for it afterwards. He put a lot of emphasis on verse 3, that revelation comes as thoughts to the mind and feelings to the heart. He said that we shouldn't worry about trying to differentiate between our own thoughts and feelings and those that are inspired. He said that he has oftened recieved revelation without realizing it.
At the end of the revelatory experience, he asked us to write down questions: "Based on what I have observed and learned today, what will I do?" and "Based on what we have observed and learned today, what will we do?" Yesterday in my personal study, I answered the first question. And in our companionship study, we answered the second question. I think that those are questions that should be asked after any revelatory experience.
I learned and felt so many things, and wish that I could tell you more about it, but my time is running short.
Tuesday was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. My time is short, and words can only say so much, but I'll tell you as much about it as I can.
Monday was a somewhat stressful day. President Mendoza was in Mexico City in a meeting with Elder Bednar and all the mission presidents from Mexico, which meant that his cell phone was turned off. So we were here alone getting everything ready for Tuesday.
For the most part everything went well. There was a moment when they threatened to deport one of our American missionaries who was traveling without his visa, but the Lord softened their hearts and let him go.
But much greater than the stress was the great excitement that could be felt throughout the mission. Everyone was eager to see and be taught live by an Apostle of Jesus Christ.
Tuesday morning was a rainy day. So President Mendoza asked my companion and I to stand in front of the chapel with umbrellas to recieve Elder Bednar. The meeting was to begin at 9:00 AM, but he arrived at 8:35. It was no longer raining, but President told us to stay there anyway.
When Elder Bednar got out of the car, he looked at us and smiled. Then he and those who were with him greeted us with a hand shake. (He was accompanied by his wife, Elder Daniel Johnson of the Seventy and Area Presidency, his wife, and Alan Walker, who translated. Alan Walker, although nobody introduced him as such, will be the new mission president here when President Mendoza leaves.)
When Sister Bednar greated me, she aske me where I was from. "California," I answered.
"What part,"
"Redlands! I was there not too long ago."
"I know, my Mom told me."
"Well, tell your Mom 'hi,' for me."
So Mom, Sister Bednar sends her greetings.
It was an incredible experience. I learned so much and felt the Spirit so strongly. I didn't take very many notes, for two reasons. First, he asked us not to, and second, I was moving the microphone to all the missionaries who asked or answered questions. Nevertheless, I remember perfectly the many lessons I learned.
Here are some of the things I learned that I think will best be of use to you.
Elder Bednar mentioned a few "silly, foolish" traditions of the church that he said we should get rid of.
One of the first he mentioned was that we always talk and joke about how we are going to meetings, in meetings, or coming from meetings. He said that many church leaders make themselves feel busy and important by having many meetings, but don't get anything done. He said that instead of having so many meetings, we should do things. Instead of talking about those who aren't coming to church, we should go get them. He said that he never wanted any of us to ever think of a church gathering as a meeting or a conference again. Rather, he said, we should think of it as a "revelatory experience."
And what we had the day before yesterday was truely a revelatory experience. The first two hours he asked what we had learned from his two talks that he had asked us to study ("Ask in Faith," from general conference, and "Seek Knowledge by Faith," which he gave to CES educators.) He put a lot of emphasis on the importance of us as learners to exercise our agency and learn for ourselves, and it was incredible how he created an enviornement of learning and revelation. The next two hours he answered questions from the missionaires.
I love that idea. If we stop thinking about meetings and start thinking about revelatory experiences, our manner of preparing for and participating in church gatherings will change.
Another silly, foolish tradition he mentioned was that of taking copious, detailed notes only to forget about what was said and lose the notes later. He said that often we are so busy writing what the speaker said that we miss what the Spirit is telling us. He told us not to write down anything that he said, only what the Spirit told us. He promised us that we would never forget those things, nor lose those notes.
He also said that too often in Church meetings and classes the teacher wants to play the "guess-what's-in-my-head-game," where he choses a student (with out their volunteering) and asks them a specific question such as, "What are the three elements of the baptismal covenant." Rather, he said, we should treat students as agents, and not objects to be acted upon, not forcing them to answer, and asking questions that don't make them guess what we are thinking, but rather think and act for themselves. A good question, he said, is "What did you learn from that?"
When he opened up for questions, the first one to raise his hand was Elder Dudley. And he asked the question that I had been planning to ask, a question I got from Dad: "What do you know now as an Apostle, that you didn't know before, about revelation?" His answer was incredible, and about 30 minutes long. The most important part of what he said was about preisthood keys. There are 15 men on the earth who hold all the keys. (That is why we sustain the Quorum of the Twelve as prophets, seers, and revelators, because they have all the keys.) Even though there is only one who is authorized to use them all.
He talked a lot about revelation. He read with us D&C 8:1-4. It is a scripture that I thought I knew well, as it is a scripture mastery, but he explained it like I had never understood before, showing us how the Spirit of Revelation includes asking with faith and an honest heart beforehand, and working for it afterwards. He put a lot of emphasis on verse 3, that revelation comes as thoughts to the mind and feelings to the heart. He said that we shouldn't worry about trying to differentiate between our own thoughts and feelings and those that are inspired. He said that he has oftened recieved revelation without realizing it.
At the end of the revelatory experience, he asked us to write down questions: "Based on what I have observed and learned today, what will I do?" and "Based on what we have observed and learned today, what will we do?" Yesterday in my personal study, I answered the first question. And in our companionship study, we answered the second question. I think that those are questions that should be asked after any revelatory experience.
I learned and felt so many things, and wish that I could tell you more about it, but my time is running short.
Saturday, May 15, 2010 -- Pictures!
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